Momotanijuntenkan Ltd

Publication of information on specified clinical trials

Aiming to contribute to the well-being of people by helping them achieve beautiful skin and thereby enriching their mind, Momotanijuntenkan Ltd. (the "Company") has been engaged in business related to beauty and health. To promote the business, the Company sometimes works in collaboration with medical institutions and provides necessary funds. The Company, which has conducted specified clinical trials, is required by the Clinical Trials Act to make public information on funding for clinical trials. Accordingly, the Company endeavors to enhance transparency and credibility in its corporate activities and its relationships with medical institutions, etc. by disclosing information on specified clinical research.

(1) Publication Method
The Company’s website

(2) Timing of Publication
Within one year following every business year

(3) Clinical Trials Subject to Publication
The Company will make public information on specified clinical research conducted in accordance with the Clinical Trials Act as follows.

Category Matters for Publication
A: Research funds, etc.
* Limited to funds related to specified clinical trials

Funds provided to research
1. ID that is recorded in jRCT (Japan Registry of Clinical Trials)
2. Recipient
3. Implementing medical institution
4. Number of contracts
5. Total amount (research funds, etc.)
B: Contributions

Funds provided to universities and other institutions
1. Recipient
2. Number of contracts
3. The total amount provided
C: Remuneration for the entrustment of business, including manuscript writing, lectures, supervision of advertising, and consulting

Funds provided to individual physicians
1. Names of physicians
2. Number of cases per physician
3. Total amount of remuneration paid to each physician